Friday, March 28, 2008

Interview with the Author

The following is a transcription of an interview of the creator of Lifestyle.Check, Michael Salafia, by Northeastern University class mate Christine Cardoso on March 22, 2008, about the Lifestyle.Check Application Development Proposal.

With such a vast array of possibilities, why did you choose to focus on lifestyle management?

Two reasons: personal interest and industry experience. I really like looking and feeling my best as much as possible, because... if you can, then why not? I have a strong personal interest in clothes, fashion, design, art, architecture, photography, and arts and humanities in general. My previous industry experience gave me insider knowledge on how the systems that my system would be interacting with work. I have worked as a sales associate for Armani, and I have produced and managed fashion shows through out Boston's upscale venues.

What are some of your personal strengths that create a competitive advantage for you as an independent software developer in such a bearish entrepreneurial environment?

I'm an ambitious 21 year old driven by a strong entrepreneurial spirit. In some ways I am still naive and imaginative, and this becomes a strength against my competition when it lets me think outside the box. I have a vision of a better world, in which we use technology to our maximum advantage. This isn't revolutionary; its just concentrated functional evolution that does not require significant change. I envision our world having different kinds of problems, like today how we think of "rich people problems" vs "poor people problems", I see the world having only "rich people problems" but then new sets of problems occurring as more people move up to that level. The problems and stress would be relatively not as bad as our current state. To say that in my lifetime I envision the possibility of a world that does not have "problems" as our society would consider them today at this point would be more like fantasizing than forecasting.

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